Project for Expertise Center De Vaandel completed

Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draisma built the expertise center De Vaandel-Zuid for Stichting Maatschappelijk Vastgoed (SMV). The expertise center provides replacement housing for about four hundred pupils who previously attended school in Bergen (Mytylschool), Alkmaar (Heliomare De Alk) and the Antioniusschool in Heerhugowaard. Expertise center De Vaandel-Zuid is specially tailored to children with multiple disabilities and special learning problems.
The expertise center is the new home for children and teachers from three different schools: the Mytylschool in Bergen, Heliomare De Alk from Alkmaar and the Antoniusschool from Heerhugowaard. The children at these schools all have specific care and learning needs. They are multiple disabled or have educational, behavioral and psychological problems. A special and vulnerable target group. A total of about 400 children are involved.
Movable swimming pool floor for De Vaandel
For this assignment, the Variopool teams installed a movable floor for the therapy pool measuring 13 x 6 meters with an integrated staircase. This special pool has a maximum depth of 1.40 meters. In addition to this floor, Variopool also supplied the handrails in the habituation pool, the cassette staircase with handrails and the line gutters.