Swimming pool Duikerdel chooses Variopool movable floor

commissioned 2022

Our mechanics work on projects all over the world. From South Korea to Rotterdam and from Hong Kong to Noord-Scharwoude. And in this last place they went to work with swimming pool Duikerdel. This pool had a movable floor that had been in service for 23 years, but was now ready to be replaced. The pool was emptied beforehand so that our men could get to work. The old bottom was then broken down part by part and disposed of in a responsible manner. During this process other jobs were also taken up such as replacing some tiling. There was now enough space in the pool to do this.

Replacement of movable pool floor at Duikerdel

After the entire pool was empty, the new movable floor was hoisted in part by part. On the day this was scheduled it was around 30 degrees outside. The working conditions may not have been ideal with that temperature, but the men did the job quickly and competently. Within a week the entire project was completed and on 27 August 2022 the swimming pool was officially reopened and put back into use.